Stock Info

Stock price information of MAXIPLUS MEDICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL

Stock Status

Issued Stocks

Issued Stocks
Section Type No. of Stocks Issues Total Face Volume (KRW)
Registered Ordinary Stocks 11,586,575 28,966,437,500

Fund Fluctuation

Fund Fluctuation
Date Cause Type Received (Stocks) Face Value per Stock (KRW) Issue Price per Stock Capital after Increase (Decrease) Capital Increase Ratio (%)
01/01/13 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 300,607 2,500 - 28,966 0.03
01/01/12 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 291,851 2,500 - 28,215 0.03
01/01/11 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 285,801 2,500 - 27,485 0.03
04/01/10 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 281,269 2,500 - 26,771 0.03
04/01/09 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 274,828 2,500 - 26,068 0.03
04/01/08 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 273,681 2,500 - 25,381 0.03
10/02/02 Capital Increase Ordinary Stocks 9,878,538 2,500 - 24,696